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Angkasa Pura Airports To Celebrate Its 51st Anniversary Through Morning Roll Call and Distribution of Aid

23 Feb 2015

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Banjarbaru - It has been 51 years since Angkasa Pura Airports was founded in 1969. This day, Friday, 20th of February 2015, Angkasa Pura Airports Branch Office Syamsudin Noor Airport, Banjarmasin, commemorates its biggest day by conducting morning roll call participated by all employees of Angkasa Pura Airports, and also its subsidiary Angkasa Pura Supports, Angkasa Pura Logistics, and representatives from Air Navigation and Pertamina. Acting as the commander of morning roll call is Syamsudin Noor Airport General Manager, Akhmad Munir.
In his speech, the General Manager conveyed the President Director addresing. He addresesed many accomplishments and successes that have been achieved by Angkasa Pura Airports during 2014 and ought to be proud of it. Financially, the target of shareholders has been achieved. Other than that, we should be proud upon several awards in 2014. In addition, the non-aeronautical revenues increased six times compared to the condition in 2009 or prior to the transformation program launched. Revenue aeronautics sector managed to donate 41% of total revenue, he said.
He also urged among the positive achievements in 2014, however, the future betterment is waiting to be achieved. The targets of stakeholders and shareholders that are postponed must be met. It requires great spirit and energy that can only come from Angkasa Pura Airports employees who have high optimism, enthusiasm, and positive thinking, creative, and desire to continually give their best contribution, he added.
At the end of this event, board of management of Angkasa Pura Airports, Branch Office Syamsudin Noor Airport distributes aid to some Orphan Foundation including to Akhlak Mulia Guntung Manggis, Ar-Rahmah Landasan Ulin, Misbahul Munir Landasan Ulin, and Nurul Maad Landasan Ulin which are located arround the airport. The aids were directly channeled by the General Manager, Akhmad Munir. He showed his gratitude toward many achievements during his leadership. “We hope this aid could tighten our relationship and make a betterment especially in environment near the airport.” He added.
The event was then closed by joint employees and invited guests as well as cutting tumpeng and blowing candles before being continued by taking breakfast together. (Translator : Yeni Mujiatin / Source : Gina Rizky)